New Books – August (2024)
New Books were added to the library collection of Ilia State University also in August, and all resources can be found in the online catalog.
The last received books are, for example:
- Kelby, Scott. 2024. How do I do that in Photoshop? the quickest ways to do the things you want to do, right now! 2nd ed. San Rafael, CA: Rocky Nook.
- Saunders, Anthony, Marcia Millon Cornett, and Otgontsetseg Erhemjamts. 2024. Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach. Eleventh edition, international student edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill LLC.
- Mishkin, Frederic S., and Stanley Eakins. 2024. Financial Markets and Institutions. Tenth Edition, Global Edition. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited.
- Bodie, Zvi, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus. 2024. Investments. (McGraw Hill series in finance, insurance, and real estate). Thirteenth edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill LLC.
- Bodenheimer, Thomas, Kevin Grumbach, and Rachel Willard-Grace. 2024. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach. (A Lange medical book). Ninth edition. New York: McGraw Hill.
- Buse, Kent, Nicholas Mays, Manuela Colombini, Alec Fraser, Mishal Khan, and Helen Walls. 2024. Making health policy. (Understanding public health). Third edition. Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw Hill.
- Quinlan, Christina, Barry Babin, Jon Carr, Mitch Griffin and William Zikmund. 2024. Business Research Methods. Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Doh, Jonathan P., Fred Luthans, and Ajai S. Gaur. 2024. International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior. Twelfth edition, international student edition. New York: McGraw Hill.
- George, Jennifer M. 2024. Contemporary Management. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
- Wild, John J., and Kenneth L. Wild. 2024. International Business: The Challenges of Globalization. Tenth edition / Global edition. Harlow, Essex: Pearson.
- Crouhy, Michel, Dan Galai, and Robert Mark. 2024. The Essentials of Risk Management. 3rd edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
- Dessler, Gary. 2024. Human Resource Management. Seventeenth edition. Global edition. Harlow, Essex: Pearson.
- Rothaermel, Frank T. 2024. Strategic Management. Sixth edition. International student edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Markovic, Stefan, ed. 2024. Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility: Knowledge, Values, and Actions. (Routledge studies in business ethics). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Zeithaml, Valarie A., Mary Jo Bitner, Dwayne D. Gremler, and Martin Mende. 2024. Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm. Eighth Edition. International Student Edition. Dubuque, IA: McGraw Hill LLC.
- Mothersbaugh, David L., Susan Bardi Kleiser, and Del I. Hawkins. 2024. Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy. 15th ed., International Student ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill LLC.
- Beverland, Michael, and Pinar Cankurtaran. 2024. Brand Management: Co-Creating Meaningful Brands. London: Sage Publications.
- Bowdin, Glenn A. J.; Allen, Johnny; Harris, Rob. 2024. Events Management. (Events management series). 4th ed. Abingdon: Routledge.