Booking a Laptop

Library laptops can be used in the library reading rooms.

Here are the terms and conditions for using the service:

In which rooms is it possible to use a laptop?

  • Literature Room (I. Chavchavadze #32, first floor of “Ligamus”)
  • Sulkhan-Saba Reading Hall (I. Chavchavadze #32, B 401)
  • Ilia Reading Hall (Cholokashvili Avenue #3/5, E 249)
  • Alexander Kartveli Reading Hall (Cholokashvili Avenue #3-5, T 402)

Who can use the service?

  • Library laptops can be used by persons affiliated with Ilia State University (academic staff, students and employees).

Duration of laptop use

  • The service can be used by one person for a maximum of four hours during the day.

How to book the service?

Please note that laptop use is only possible in the hall and during this period you must leave your ID card with the librarian!
