New journals in the fields of speech and communication

We would like to notify you that users of the library of Ilia State University can access three scientific journals with high impact factor in the fields of language, speech and communication:
- International Journal for Language and Communication Disorders – published since 1966 by a world-acknowledged publisher – Wiley, and is an official journal of the language and speech therapists of Britain’s Royal College. According to the data of 2018, its impact factor stands at 1,504;
- Journal of Speech, Language and hearing Research – published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association since 1937. Its impact factor stands at 1,749;
- American Journal for Speech-Language Pathology – published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association since 1936, with impact factor at 1,321.
To view the articles click on the following link and search for a desired journal in the list.
Access to the mentioned journals is provided within the framework of the project of Erasmus+’ institutional development – “Assi sting Better Communication”.
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