The Project was organized by The Moscow Office Of UNESCO in 2004. It deals with transfer and nominalization of the Digital Collection, stored in the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, into popular digital formats
Ilia State University Library and the Office of Information Technologies together have started a new project in 2014. The initiative concerns transfer and nominalization of the Digital Collection, stored in the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, into popular digital formats.
This project will enable users to read and work on literary pieces stored in the collection by employing various kinds of modern reading devices (Kindle, Nook, Android, etc.)
Following work has been accomplished by this time:
- There are 93 electronic books in the ePUB digital format. The books are arranged by authors’ names and include collection of public works;
- The library also incorporates only those public documents that are not covered by copyright and range from V until XX century;
- E-books are technically developed;
- The Digital Collection of Georgian Literature has its graphic design;
- Existing E-books are transferred into popular digital formats (ePUB, PDF, MOBI atc.)
Following things remain to be done within the project:
- Existing digital formats need to be placed in the electronic library.
List of possible works that might be carried out in the 3rd stage:
- Creating digital collection of XX century authors’ works after making an official agreement with copyright holder individuals/organizations.