Problem Description
After 2006 Ilia State University is legal successor of Library Collections from the six Institute, thay were joined to the Iliauni. After introducing the electronic catalog it was necessary to digitize the funds inventory journals to better manage the collections.
The goal of the project
The project goal was through the digitization process help the university library to manage, account, access, and write-off resources easy.
Human Resources
In February 2011, 10 employees were selected through competition. They worked with inventory joirnals and the content was transferred to excel-files. The number of employees reduced and to date works are performed by a single employee.
Past Activities
- The announcement of the conduct and training of employees
- Library inventory journalas identify and bring together
- Reporting, monitoring and evaluation system
- Digitization process
All the inventory journals from Ilia State University Libraries are digitozed. Currently is going to digitize found of Gogebashvili State Pedagogical Library’s journals. At this stage are digitized 520 of inventory journals.
Problem Description
Since 2006 Ilia State University has been a legal successor of Library Collections from six institutes. They have become a part of Iliauni. After introducing an electronic catalogue it became necessary to digitize the funds of inventory journals to improve the management of the collections.
The goal of the project
The goal of the project was, through the digitization process, to help the library of the university manage, account, access, and write-off resources easily.
Human Resources
In February 2011, 10 employees were selected by means of competition. They worked with inventory journals and transformed the content into excel files. The number of employees has been reduced and as of today a single employee conducts all of the work.
Past Activities
- The announcement of the conduct and training of employees
- Inventory journals of the library were identified and brought together
- Reporting, monitoring and evaluating
- Digitization process
All the inventory journals from Ilia State University Libraries have been digitized. Currently, the journals of Gogebashvili State Pedagogical Library are being digitized. As of today, 520 items have been digitized.