Taylor and Francis online

Taylor and Francis online stores 1700 journal titles, which cover a wide range of different science branches, starting from the social sciences and humanities, and further including science and technology. Ilia State University has access to the full texts of the articles issued since 1997 up until now.

More than 950 journal titles can be found in the list of Citation Index/Web of Science of Thomson Reuters. Moreover, according to the subject category, 80 journal titles ended up in the top ten list of their respective field.

Taylor and Francis online is comprised of the following branches: anthropology and archaeology, behavioral sciences, business, management and economics, chemistry, criminology and law, education, engineering, computer sciences and technology, environment and agriculture, geography, urban and environmental planning, mathematics and statistics, media, cultural and communication sciences, physics, politics, international relations and interdisciplinary study of regions, public healthcare and social care, sociology, sport, leisure and tourism, branches of strategy, defense and security.
