New schedule in Reading halls
Dear readers!
We inform you that from March 21 Ilia State University reading-halls will be available according to the following agenda:
Ilia Reading Hall
Address: Kakutsa Cholokashvili Avenue #3-5, Building E
Working Hours: 09:00 – 21:00
Cleaning hour: 15:00 -16:00
Sulkhan-Saba Reading Hall
Adress: I.Chavchavadze #32, Buling B, floor 4, room- 401
Cleaning Hour – 16:00-17:30
Computer Resource Centers:
#1 Ad: I.Chavchavadze #32, A207
#2 Ad: Cholokashvili 3-5, E308
Working hours: From Monday to Friday – 10:00 -19:00, Saturday – 10:00-18:00

1. It is not necessary to make a reservation in advance to use the reading hall.
2. According to the pandemic restrictions it is mandatory to wear face masks and adhere regulations that are active in the country, when being in the hall.
3. The books of literature hall of Ligamus, must be booked online in advance
Yours Sincerely,
Ilia State University Library Administration /
(+995 32) 2220009 (116)